A new
generation is getting hooked on the vaping trend. Vaping hasn’t been around
long enough for us to know the long-term effects on our bodies. Some persons
believe that it causes fewer damages than cigarettes. Recently, health experts
reported that vaping might have similar side effects to smoking. If you decide
to substitute cigarettes for vaping or trying the new trend, we have three
facts about vaping that you should consider.
is Addictive.
With a wide
range of oils and flavors, research suggests that they contain nicotine. This
highly addictive chemical is found in cigarettes that can lead to the abuse of
the product. If you continue to vape, your body will become accustomed to the
chemical. Vaping withdrawal will be difficult.
Vaping is Fun but Unsafe.
The vaping
tricks are the exciting part; making shapes and clouds can be amusing. Experts
state that the vaping device heats the flavoring and other chemicals to form an
aerosol that you inhale. There isn’t confirmation on the types of chemicals
found in the aerosol, but studies show that an outbreak of lung injuries and
heart diseases are associated with vaping. Physicians have noticed that vaping
causes severe lung damage and affect a person’s ability to think, act, or feel.
Vaping vs. Smoking.
Young and
adults believe that the lack of smoke is amusing. It has no smell and reduces
the stigma of smoking. They think that it is less harmful than cigarettes. Like
cigarettes, you can purchase extra cartridges or more potent oils. Studies
reveal that vaping will eventually lead to using traditional tobacco products.
You can find other alternatives to reduce the use of cigarettes and avoid vaping. Visit a health office or seek advice for more information to quit smoking.
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